乌云正笼罩着日博备用网站的经济和出口. The slowdown in major export markets such as Germany – Europe’s growth engine – comes at the same time as Sweden continues to battle high inflation, 这两方面的发展都严重打击了经济.
欧洲的GDP增长预计不会超过0.8 per cent 2023 and the forecast for Swedish exports to the region is -0.1 per cent. 北美和亚洲也在失去增长势头, 尽管日博备用网站有望在明年复苏, 直到2025年,需求才会恢复到大流行前的水平.
尽管中国经济仍存在不确定性, India has emerged as a shining exception in Asia and is demonstrating robust and resilient growth.
随着明年年中的临近, the global economy is expected to gradually rebound towards its average trend level of 3 per cent growth.
Get the full analysis in this year’s second edition of Global Economic Outlook.