APAC stands for almost 37% of the global personal luxury market -- larger than both US (24%) and 欧洲an market (28%). 亚洲主要的时尚日博备用网站包括中国、日本、韩国、台湾和香港. 而中国在规模上领先日博备用网站, 对于所有品牌来说,这可能不是最简单和合适的切入点. 周边日博备用网站和电子商务可以作为第一步.



在几乎所有场合穿着休闲但时尚的服装变得普遍, 预计这一趋势将继续增长. 休闲和时尚的街头时尚和运动休闲服装, 喜欢运动鞋, 瑜伽裤和t恤在亚太地区消费者中很受欢迎. 其中最大的赢家是露露柠檬(Lululemon),销售额同比增长24%,主要来自亚洲日博备用网站. The company’s survey reveals that four in five APAC consumers wants to ditch work suits for casual clothing. Swedish athleisure brands should differentiate and stand out – be creative in building community, 建立粉丝基础,并与当地客户建立日博备用网站.


时尚品牌通过与网红(kol)合作实现本土化. Asian consumers are more willing than western counterparts to follow their favorite with purchase. More KOLs are leveraging their attention and affinity from followers to launch own brands, e.g., Grace Chow from 中国, Irene Kim from Korea, Kerina Hsueh from 台湾, Yivy Yusof from 马来西亚. 日博备用网站品牌可以考虑与当地kol合作.g.,将收集和营销交叉起来,作为提高当地意识的一步.


With increasing awareness of environmental issues, people are more aware of fashion 可持续性. Fashion business in Asia is stepping forward in green campaigns and business with increasing consumers engagement, e.g., H&M服装回收和服装租赁. 二手商店的数量略有增加. 由于日博备用网站在这方面的整体意识落后, 可持续性 is a plus in a brand/business but not a must in consumers’ purchase decision.



The fashion market was segmented into top international luxury and fast fashion with key players such as, Zara, 芒果, Forever 21在亚洲. 然而, the demand for affordable luxury emerges in recent years as young generation and growing middle class have an appetite for brands that balance between price, 设计, 和质量.


The national pride is propelling consumers, especially Gen Z, to support domestics brands. More local brands arise with deeper understanding of local consumers behaviors and preferences e.g., 李宁来自中国, 来自日本的优衣库和Urban Research, 来自韩国的温柔怪物和安达尔, 我喜欢新加坡的鲣鱼. International brands entered collaboration with local brands to cater for consumer nostalgia. 例子有H&M和TOGA, Marimekko和Uniqlo, Puma和Randomevent.


A number of Scandinavian fashion brands successfully built their recognition across APAC. 与H&M being the leader in fast fashion, other notable Scandinavian brands include Acne Studios, Ganni, J.林德伯格,COS,丹尼尔·威灵顿,Fjällräven和快乐袜子. 更多的斯堪的纳维亚小众品牌出现在概念店和当地的电子商务渠道. 天猫报告称,2021年,斯堪的纳维亚小众品牌的销售额增长了两倍. These brands are priced as premium brands by consumers in the region with higher expectations on quality and value.


亚洲零售日博备用网站非常活跃. 而电子商务提供了便利和上涨, tradition retail is still common as physical stores act as hubs of discovery and experience. 展望亚洲,a 混合动力概念 推荐的商业模式是否能够捕获从离线到在线的流量,反之亦然.


传统购物目的地.g.,百货公司,多品牌 & 概念店和品牌店是时尚的主要分销渠道.

  • Department stores are popular and convenient shopping destinations with their large selection of brands for middle to high-income class from top luxury to middle fashion.
  • 多品牌时装店是提供各种时尚品牌的零售商. 在他们中间, there are some concept stores/selection shops sell well-curated products matching store’s special theme to appeal to specific target audience.
  • 虽然在欧洲开设品牌店可能会受到质疑,但在亚洲却并非如此. 品牌店在消费者眼中被视为可靠的渠道,建立信任. 商店不仅作为销售渠道, 但它也传递了品牌形象和品牌理念.



亚洲消费者以移动设备为中心,尤其是Z世代. 香港和台湾的消费者已经习惯了海外购物网站.g., Farfetch, Net-a-porter或品牌官方网站, 而中国的消费者, 韩国和日本使用自己的本地日博备用网站, 比如天猫, JD.com、SGG、Coupang和ZoZoTown. Swedish brands wishing to enter fashion e-commerce should pay attention to the customers behaviors and may work with local and mobile friendly platforms.


抓住亚洲日博备用网站的巨大潜力并不容易. 品牌应采取循序渐进的方式,制定亚太地区战略. 在进入日博备用网站之前考虑以下关键建议:

  • 仔细选择一个日博备用网站作为起点: 而中国在日博备用网站规模和数量方面处于领先地位, brands should not underestimate the surrounding markets which are interconnected and influence each other on trends. 品牌s should plan an entry market as a testing ground according to their resources and capacity.
  • 建立和传播一个强大而独特的品牌形象; 消费者正在寻找与众不同的品牌. Connecting with consumers emotionally with a well-structured narrative and strong visual elements has become ever more important. 建议各品牌努力打造和传达其风格.
  • 适应混合零售概念: 而许多品牌的线下业务正在衰退, the landscape is different in Asia where a majority of brand engagement and transaction occurs offline. 在线存在是一个发现和比较的地方. 因此,强烈建议使用混合模式. 线下可能是小品牌的店中店或弹出式商店.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a more in-depth discussion on your business expansion and how we could assist your company to build your APAC strategy and beyond.

主要适用于主要日博备用网站.e. 中国,香港,台湾,日本,韩国,新加坡