Get ready to go global
Our pitch day calendar 2023:
Impact AI / 8 February |
DeepTech / 5 July |
Transport & Energy / 29 March |
Asia-Pacific / 24 August |
Life Science / 26 April |
Middle East & Africa / 3 October |
Industry & New material / 10 May |
Sustainability/ 17 October |
Digital Technologies / 31 May |
End of the year / 7 November |
Send your application now to secure your chance of getting selected.
Meet the Catalyst Committee
Our jury consists of angel investors, innovation executives, 风险投资公司代表及创业大使. 从旧金山到东京,他们在世界各地的创业场景中都有成熟的经验,他们提供了一个宝贵的日博备用网站网络.
Lars Vestergaard,哥本哈根Oracle EMEA初创企业负责人
Marc Keveles, Crossroads & Innovative Angels, New York/Gothenburg
斯德哥尔摩Soundtrap天使投资人Fredrik Posse
Tanya marwen - horowitz, Butterfly Ventures,斯德哥尔摩/纽约
Daniel Kjellen, Megamore Ventures Advisors,旧金山
+ Selected guest investors and experts
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